GNTA is really making strides at becoming more politically active and joining forces with other locals to educate our communities about budget cuts in education and the impact of high-stakes testing on teaching and learning. To that end, I am providing some informative and useful sites for you to check out -- they include links to sign petitions to legislators and some useful "how-to-lobby" tips.
Also, TALI (Take Action Long Island) has been started up by Long Island teachers to brainstorm how we can educate and update our own members and the community on serious issues facing educators right now. They are planning a big event on Wednesday, May 1st, at which Diane Ravitch will speak and information will be disseminated -- tickets will be available soon and Michelle Sorise and I will keep you posted about that. We are hoping we can get some PTA, UPTC, or other parent activists involved in that event as well. Check out TALI's most recent newsletter: