The NYSUT Member Benefits Corporation-endorsed Defensive Driving Program is sponsored through the National Safety Council.
Benefits of Defensive Driving Program:
1. If you are the principal operator of a vehicle, you will receive a minimum 10% reduction in the base rate of your auto liability and collision insurance premiums each year for three years.
2. You may receive a reduction of up to four points on your driving record.
You may take the course as often as you wish, but you may take it only once every three years for insurance reduction benefits, and once every 18 months for point reduction.
How to Access the Program:
NYSUT members and their families who are licensed in New York state can take this course online at the Member Benefits-reduced price of $21.95 per person -- a savings of $18 per course fee.
Before you can participate online and receive the discounted pricing, you need to get the unique NYSUT Member Benefits Access Code. THE ACCESS CODE IS NYSUTDDC.
If you already have the access code (see above), click here to access the National Safety Council online course.
Please note that each family member will need to register for and take the course separately.