New Administrator
Heather Sweet is the new assistant principal at E.M. Baker School. She replaces Jeffrey Ryvicker, who was recently appointed the school superintendent of the Quogue School District. (More about Dr. Sweet will appear in the future.)
Elementary Teachers
New elementary teachers are listed below, by school, with their subject areas in parentheses.
Newly hired teachers at E.M. Baker School include: Douglas Kuveke (special education), Lisa Noonan (special education), Stephanie Schmidt (grade 4), Kimberly Sieh (grade 4), and Melissa Weibman (grade 5).
New teachers at J.F. Kennedy School: Christine Deaner (special education), Kristen Milici (special education), Vanessa Nilsen, (special education), and Kelly Rosario (special education).
Barbara Manzi is a new special education teacher at the North Shore Hebrew Academy and Mary Terriberry is a new prekindergarten teacher at Parkville School.
New teachers at Saddle Rock School are: Rachel Barrer (reading), Jennifer Kerr (speech therapist; also at North Middle), and Deanna Phillips (special education).
Secondary Teachers
New secondary teachers follow, by school, with their subject areas in parentheses.
Thomas Hahn is a new English teacher at North High.
New teachers at North Middle School: Melissa Block (Languages Other Than English–LOTE), Alexandra D’Angelo (special education), Jennifer Kerr (speech therapist; also at Saddle Rock), Jeryl Lehmuller (special education), and Tracy Segal (guidance dept head).
New teachers at South High School are Morgan Burk (physical education/health), Lillian Hsiao (English as a New Language–ENL), and Daniel Shadock (mathematics).
New teachers at South Middle School include: Yanxia Chen (LOTE), Jessica Hemmerdinger (special education), Lindsay Manno (special education), Sandra Neuwirth (LOTE), and Catherine Sagevick (mathematics).