Delegates’ strength and union pride were praised and encouraged by invited guests.
New York State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli spoke about the value of public education, “Public education is the pathway to the middle class. It is the door to economic security and a successful life, and teachers hold the key.” DiNapoli warned it is time to fight back against attacks on public employees, on the DeVos agenda, and on those working to dismantle defined benefit plans. He assured delegates, “It is time to stand up, and I will stand with you.” Mario Cilento, President of the New York State AFL-CIO, urged members to build upon the momentum, “Labor is under attack like never before. We have to speak with our members, not to them, so they become educated and then mobilize. If we do this together, with a strategy that makes sense, we will be successful and members will know their voices matter.”
The RA is NYSUT’s annual policymaking convention and it was action-packed. Delegates approved 27 resolutions, five special orders of business and referred 14 resolutions to the NYSUT Board of Directors for further action. One resolution failed. There were a number of resolutions against state testing. Delegates approved one resolution demanding they slow down the rush to computer-based testing calling for the SED to provide research-based studies on the validity of the computer testing. In another testing matter Delegates called for SED and the Board of Regents to adopt a clear policy prohibiting schools from punishing or stigmatizing students whose parents opt them out of testing. Other resolutions were related to higher education, health and safety, pensions/retirement, social justice, political action and civil rights. A full list of resolutions can be found at the ink below.
Note: Some information from this article was gathered from the NYSUT Website.